Heat broth in soup pot while preparing other ingredients
Cook bacon in a skillet, crumble, drain and set aside
Chop and mince garlic and onion and set aside
Chop celery add to the soup pot
Chop bell pepper and spinach and set aside
Drain bacon grease from skillet but leave enough to saute the onion and garlic. Cook onion and garlic 1-2 minutes.
Meanwhile, add coconut milk to simmering broth and mix well to incorporate.
Add the cubed turkey, and bacon to the mixture.
Transfer onion and garlic to the simmering broth mixture.
Simmer for 10 minutes, add diced yellow bell pepper and continue to simmer an additional 5 minutes
Season with salt and pepper to taste
Add chopped spinach and allow soup to finish simmering an additional 10 minutes
Allow soup to sit for 5 minutes before serving in bowls.
Garnish with diced avocado and tomato just before serving.